- Conference
- Continue to develop and structure conference program to meet the needs of the membership at all levels.
- Continue to develop forum for presentation of field research.
- Select a site that will meet the needs of the membership.
- Continue to provide exhibitors, presenters and materials as resources for our members.
- Curriculum
- Assessment
- Research and vet various forms of assessments.
- Continue to provide assessment resources to our membership via the website.
- Secondary
- Develop and collect lesson plans and best practices based on the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS).
- Develop and collect lesson plans and best practices to develop interdisciplinary theatre arts (i.e. STEAM) across the curriculum.
- Elementary
- Develop and collect lesson plans and best practices based on the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS).
- Develop and collect age appropriate material for elementary theatre courses.
- Develop and collect lesson plans and best practices to develop interdisciplinary theatre arts (i.e. STEAM) across the curriculum.
- Professional Development
- Create professional development training models for implementation of the NGSSS.
- Align conference workshops to NGSSS.
- Develop mini-conferences to be held throughout state regions.
- Research pathways to receive college credit for professional development at conference.
- Resources
- Create a virtual depository of resources.
- Continue to research and provide links to online resources.
- Create an open forum for members to share resources including but not limited to available scenery, costumes and lights.
- Technology
- Research technical suppliers and experts in the field.
- Research hardware, software and emerging technology in the field.
- Identify technical models for elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and colleges.
- Financial
- Create the annual budget for approval by the Board.
- Create budget and fees for annual conference.
- Membership
- Continue recruitment of members at all levels, i.e. professional, university, community college, secondary, elementary and theatre/education majors with literature sent to principals and drama teachers in public and private schools.
- Continue pre- and post- conference membership recruitment.
- Continue outreach recruitment through all standing committees.
- Continue membership discounts.
- Continue to create new recruitment strategies.
- Nominations & Awards
- Develop the award forms for distribution.
- Prepare annual nominations slate.
- Continue to recognize outstanding educators, administrators and supporters of theatre education.
- Professional Standards
- Advocate for K-12 theatre certification and clear certification requirements.
- Work with the DOE to provide subject area experts for development of the theatre subject area test and study guide.
- Develop minimum standards for teacher supplements/stipends and class size.
- Educate membership regarding rights and responsibilities of theatre education to include philosophy, freedom of expression and ethical conduct.
- Research a FATE endorsement of exemplary theatre educators.
- Continue to advocate for continued inclusion of theatre courses in state equivalent high school graduation requirements and Florida Academic Scholars Award Program.
- Continue to advocate for inclusion of theatre courses in state middle school promotion requirements.
- Public Relations
- Through the office of historian, continue to collect, maintain and display the organizational archives.
- Continue to publish material provided by other committees.
- Continue to publish newsletter, brochures, press releases and web pages to be approved by the President and Executive Director.
- Provide direction to the webmaster.
- Continue to update and maintain organizational documents.
- Continue to be a presence and provide outreach various state and local festivals.
- Develop, implement and maintain social media strategy for the organization with approval of the President and Executive Director.
- Explore opportunities for paid advertisement.
- Recruit vendors for conference and explore partnership opportunities.
- Scholarships
- Develop scholarship forms for distribution.
- Provide scholarship opportunities for theatre education for members.
- Develop a procedure for documentation of scholarship money used.
- Explore ways to increase funds available for scholarships.